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prospect - 前景,景色;前途;勘探,,尋找

appreciate - 理解,,認識,意識到;欣賞;感激

elaborate - v.&adj. 精心制作,,詳細描述;精心制作的

address - v.從事,,忙于;n. 演講

appropriate - v. 撥給(資金), 盜用/ adj.合適的

strain - n. 血統(tǒng),,品系,,菌株;緊張,張力;v.扭傷,,拉緊

article - n. 物品,,商品

intrigue - v.&n 激發(fā)興趣;密謀;陰謀

intriguing - adj. 激發(fā)興趣的

assume - v. 承擔,擔任;假裝;假設

bark - n. 樹皮;犬吠

bill - n.議案,,法案;鳥嘴;賬單

champion - vt. 支持,,擁護;n.冠軍

aging - n.老化,陳釀

complex - n. 綜合體 adj.復雜的

concern - n. 公司(壟斷組織“康采恩”就是它的音譯)

attribute - v.&n 歸因于;特征,,屬性

default - n.&v. 不履行;違約;拖欠;默認(值)

drill - vt. 鉆(孔);訓練,,操練

exploit - v. 開發(fā),利用n. 功績

fair - n. 集市,交易會;adj.公平的,,美麗的 adv.公平地,,直接地

fairly - adv. 相當?shù)兀降?/span>

game - n. 獵物,,野味;

fashion - vt. 形成,,塑造 n.時尚,方式

inviting - adj. 引人注目的,,吸引人的

alternate - v.&adj. 交替,,輪流; 交替的

alternating - adj.交互的,交替的

alternative - n.&adj. 可供選擇的方案(option);選擇性的(optional)

figure - n. 人物;體形

hit - n. 轟動一時的人物或作品vt. 偶然碰見

find - n. 發(fā)現(xiàn)(物)

spring - v. &n 躍出,,觸發(fā);彈簧,,彈性;泉水

humor - n.體液

import - v.&n 重要;進口


2GRE 熟詞異義詞

Preparing for the GRE can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to vocabulary. One of the most challenging aspects is mastering the “GRE 熟詞異義詞” or commonly used words with multiple meanings. Understanding these words in different contexts can significantly enhance your verbal score. Here are some tips and insights to help you navigate this tricky area! ??

1. Understanding Context is Key

Many words in English have multiple meanings, which can lead to confusion during the GRE. For instance, the word "refine" can mean to purify something, like oil, or to improve something by making small changes. In a sentence, "The process will refine the oil," refers to purification, whereas "She needs to refine her argument," indicates improvement. Pay attention to the context in which these words are used. ??

2. Create Flashcards

Flashcards can be an effective study tool. On one side, write the word, and on the other, include its multiple meanings along with example sentences. For example, take the word "sanction". It can mean to approve (e.g., "The committee decided to sanction the new policy") or to impose a penalty (e.g., "The country faced sanctions for its actions"). Regularly reviewing these flashcards can help reinforce your memory. ??

3. Practice with Sample Questions

Incorporating practice questions into your study routine is crucial. The GRE often tests your understanding of words in context. For instance, consider this sample question:

Choose the word that best fits the sentence:

"The author's latest novel was so __________ that it received both critical acclaim and public __________."

A) obscure; disdain

B) controversial; adulation

C) simplistic; apathy

D) intricate; ridicule

Correct Answer: B) controversial; adulation

By practicing such questions, you can familiarize yourself with how words can shift in meaning based on their usage. ??

4. Read Widely and Actively

Diverse reading materials can expose you to various contexts where words are used differently. Try reading academic articles, literature, and opinion pieces. When you encounter a word you know, pay attention to how it’s being used. For example, the word "temper" can mean to moderate (e.g., "He tried to temper his enthusiasm") or to harden (e.g., "The blacksmith tempered the iron"). This active engagement will deepen your understanding. ??

5. Use Mnemonics

Creating mnemonics can make memorizing words and their meanings easier. For example, for the word "bark", think of a tree's bark versus a dog’s bark. Visualizing these two meanings can help you remember them better. Use imagery or stories that connect the meanings in your mind. ????

6. Join Study Groups

Engaging with peers can provide additional insights into word meanings. Discussing words like "dwindle" (to decrease) and "augment" (to increase) in a group setting allows you to see how others interpret and use these words. Group discussions can also introduce you to new vocabulary and meanings you may not have considered before. ??

7. Take Practice Tests

Simulating the test environment through practice tests can help you apply what you've learned about熟詞異義詞. Analyze your results to identify areas where you struggled and focus on those words. For example, if you find yourself confused by the word "profound" (deeply meaningful vs. very great), revisit it in different contexts. ??

In conclusion, mastering GRE 熟詞異義詞 is a gradual process that requires consistent effort and practice. By utilizing these strategies, you can build a strong vocabulary foundation that will benefit you not only on the GRE but also in your future academic endeavors. Good luck with your studies! ??

3GRE 詞匯備考技巧

GRE詞匯備考技巧是許多考生在備考過程中面臨的一個重要挑戰(zhàn)。掌握豐富的詞匯不僅能夠幫助你在Verbal Reasoning部分取得好成績,,還能提升你的閱讀理解能力和寫作水平,。以下是一些有效的備考技巧,幫助你在GRE考試中更自信地應對詞匯部分,。

1. 制定學習計劃 ??:制定一個合理的學習計劃是成功的關(guān)鍵,。你可以每天安排一定的時間來學習新單詞,比如30分鐘到1小時,。確保你每天都有進步,,并且不要試圖一次性記住太多單詞??梢钥紤]每周集中學習50個新單詞,,然后在接下來的幾天里復習它們。

2. 使用高質(zhì)量的詞匯書 ??:選擇一本好的GRE詞匯書是非常重要的,。推薦使用《Barron's GRE High-Frequency Words》或《Manhattan Prep's GRE Vocabulary Flashcards》,。這些書籍通常會根據(jù)出現(xiàn)頻率和重要性來列出單詞,幫助你更有效地學習,。

3. 制作閃卡 ??:閃卡是一個非常有效的記憶工具,。你可以在一面寫下單詞,另一面寫下其定義,、同義詞和例句,。通過不斷地復習閃卡,,你可以加深對單詞的記憶。還可以使用手機應用程序,,如Anki或Quizlet,,來創(chuàng)建電子閃卡,,方便隨時隨地學習,。

4. 通過上下文學習單詞 ??:僅僅記住單詞的定義是不夠的。嘗試通過上下文來學習單詞,,閱讀相關(guān)的文章,、書籍或GRE模擬題。在閱讀時,,遇到不熟悉的單詞,,可以嘗試猜測其意思,這樣可以提高你的推理能力和詞匯量,。

5. 定期測試自己 ??:定期進行自我測試是鞏固記憶的重要方法,。你可以找一些GRE詞匯練習題,或者自己編寫一些測試題,。嘗試在限定時間內(nèi)完成,,以模擬考試的感覺。下面是一個示例題目:

Question: Choose the word that best fits the sentence: "The scientist's findings were met with _______ from the community, as they contradicted established theories."

Options: A) enthusiasm B) skepticism C) indifference D) approval

Answer: B) skepticism

6. 參與討論和交流 ??:加入GRE備考小組或論壇,,與其他考生分享學習經(jīng)驗和資源,。在討論中,使用新學的單詞,,不僅可以加深記憶,,也能提高你的表達能力。你可以在社交媒體上尋找相關(guān)的群組,,或參加線下的學習活動,。

7. 學習詞根和詞綴 ??:了解常見的詞根、前綴和后綴,,可以幫助你更輕松地推測單詞的含義,。例如,前綴“un-”表示“否定”,,而后綴“-ology”通常與“學科”有關(guān),。掌握這些基本構(gòu)成元素,可以幫助你快速識別和理解新單詞,。

8. 保持積極的心態(tài) ??:備考GRE可能會感到壓力,,但保持積極的心態(tài)是非常重要的。相信自己的能力,,逐步積累詞匯量,。適當?shù)男菹⒑头潘梢材軒椭愀玫貙W習,避免疲勞導致的效率低下。


4GRE 常見詞匯誤區(qū)



很多考生在準備GRE詞匯時,,往往選擇通過死記硬背的方式來記憶單詞,。這種方法雖然能在短期內(nèi)記住一些單詞,但很難在長時間內(nèi)保持記憶,。相反,,建議考生通過上下文來理解和記憶單詞。例如,,遇到單詞“abate”時,,可以通過閱讀相關(guān)句子來理解其意思:“The storm finally began to abate, allowing the sun to shine through.” 這樣不僅能記住單詞,還能理解其用法,。




詞根和詞綴是構(gòu)成單詞的重要部分,,掌握它們可以幫助考生推測生詞的意思。例如,,詞根“cred”表示“信任”,,與之相關(guān)的單詞有“incredible” (不可置信的) 和“credit” (信用)。通過分析詞根詞綴,,考生能夠在遇到新單詞時,,進行有效的猜測和理解,。


很多考生在學習詞匯時,往往只關(guān)注單詞的定義,,而忽視了其在實際語境中的應用,。為了避免這一誤區(qū),考生可以嘗試將新學的單詞運用到自己的寫作和口語中,。例如,,在寫作時使用“mitigate”這個詞,可以寫出:“The government took measures to mitigate the effects of the economic downturn.” 這種方式不僅能加深記憶,,還能提高語言表達能力,。


