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GRE詞匯就要這么背 讀例句之物理篇

2025-03-04 18:57:02
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1GRE詞匯就要這么背 讀例句之物理篇


1. Magnify the magnitude of the magnetism.

Enhance the size of magnetic forces.

2. The deputy chairman of the charity clarified the importance of clarity and purity.

The vice-chairman of the charity emphasized the significance of transparency and integrity.

3. I acutely and resolutely refuted the brutal persecution of mute commuter.

I sharply and firmly denied the harsh oppression faced by silent travelers.

4. This measure may preclude the exclusive agency from selling crucial crude oil.

This action might prevent the sole agency from trading essential crude oil.

5. He depicted the conviction that contradicted the verdict.

He illustrated the belief that opposed the judgment.

6. Prolong the sponge along the longitude and latitude at an altitude.

Extend the sponge along the lines of longitude and latitude at a certain height.

7. The conservative man made a reservation in the observatory.

The traditional gentleman booked a spot at the observatory.

8. The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburger with shampoo.

The vagrant from the tram drenched the ham burger with shampoo.

9. According to the pamphlet, the current in the amplifier can be amplified to 3 amperes.

As stated in the brochure, the current in the amplifier can increase to 3 amperes.

10. The mender recommends me to amend the legend agenda.

The repairman suggests that I revise the legendary schedule.




1. 制定學習計劃


2. 使用詞匯書和應用程序

選擇一本好的GRE詞匯書,如《Barron's GRE Vocabulary》或《Kaplan GRE Vocabulary》,,可以幫助你系統(tǒng)地學習詞匯,。此外,使用一些手機應用程序,,如Quizlet或Anki,,可以讓你隨時隨地復習單詞,甚至可以利用間隔重復的方法來加深記憶,。??

3. 創(chuàng)造聯(lián)想


4. 制作閃卡


5. 練習使用單詞


6. 參與在線討論


7. 定期測試自己


8. 保持積極的心態(tài)




Preparing for the GRE Physics test can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to mastering the vocabulary that is crucial for understanding complex concepts. Here, I’ll share some effective strategies to enhance your GRE Physics vocabulary and improve your overall performance on the exam. ??

1. Understand Key Terms

Familiarizing yourself with essential physics vocabulary is fundamental. Terms like “kinematics”, “thermodynamics”, and “electromagnetism” frequently appear in GRE questions. Create flashcards to help you memorize these terms along with their definitions. For example:

  • Kinematics: The branch of mechanics that describes the motion of objects without considering the forces that cause the motion.
  • Thermodynamics: The study of heat, energy, and the relationships between them.
  • Electromagnetism: The interaction of electric currents or fields and magnetic fields.

2. Use Contextual Learning

Learning vocabulary in context can significantly enhance retention. Instead of memorizing words in isolation, read passages from physics textbooks or articles that incorporate these terms. For instance, while reading about “quantum mechanics”, pay attention to how words like “wave-particle duality” and “uncertainty principle” are used. This method helps you understand not only the meaning but also the application of the terms.

3. Practice with Sample Questions

Engaging with sample GRE questions can provide insight into how vocabulary is tested. For example, consider the following question:

Question: What is the primary principle behind the conservation of momentum?

Answer: The conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant if no external forces act upon it.

Practicing such questions will help reinforce your understanding of key terms in practical scenarios.

4. Group Study Sessions

Studying with peers can be beneficial. Form a study group where each member presents a set of vocabulary words along with their meanings and usage in problems. This collaborative approach not only makes learning more engaging but also allows you to hear different perspectives on how terms are applied. Consider discussing terms like “entropy” and “superposition” during your sessions.

5. Utilize Online Resources

There are numerous online platforms offering GRE preparation resources. Websites like Khan Academy and Coursera have sections dedicated to physics vocabulary. Additionally, consider using apps that focus on flashcard-based learning, which can be very effective for memorization.

6. Regular Review

Consistent review is key to retaining vocabulary. Set aside time each week to go over previously learned terms. You might find it helpful to quiz yourself or have someone else quiz you. For example, ask yourself: “What does ‘potential energy’ refer to?”

Potential Energy: The energy possessed by an object due to its position or condition.

7. Stay Motivated

Lastly, keep your motivation high. Remember that mastering vocabulary is just one part of your GRE preparation. Celebrate small victories, like learning five new terms in a week, to stay encouraged. ??

By implementing these strategies, you will not only improve your GRE Physics vocabulary but also gain greater confidence in tackling the exam. Good luck with your studies! ??



1. 理解而非死記

在背誦例句時,,首先要理解句子的結構和含義,。僅僅記住單詞的意思是不夠的,了解它們在不同上下文中的用法才是關鍵,。例如,,單詞 "ubiquitous" 代表“無處不在”,你可以使用以下例句:

"Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society."


2. 制作閃卡

閃卡是一種非常有效的學習工具。你可以在卡片的一面寫上單詞,,另一面寫上相關的例句,。這樣,在復習時,,你可以快速查看并測試自己,。例如,單詞 "benevolent" 意為“仁慈的”,。你可以寫下:

"The benevolent man donated a large sum to charity."


3. 創(chuàng)造個人化的例句

嘗試使用新學的單詞造句,,并將其與自己的生活經(jīng)歷聯(lián)系起來,,這樣可以加深記憶。例如,,假設你學習了 "meticulous",意思是“一絲不茍的”,。你可以造句:

"My friend is meticulous when it comes to organizing her notes."


4. 進行定期復習

定期復習是鞏固記憶的關鍵,。你可以設置每周的復習計劃,,回顧之前學習的單詞和例句。利用應用程序如 Anki 或 Quizlet,,可以幫助你高效管理復習時間,。例如,每周選擇10個新單詞,,并結合例句進行復習,。

5. 利用多種資源

在學習過程中,利用多種資源可以豐富你的例句庫,。你可以參考GRE詞匯書籍,、在線詞典,、甚至TED演講等。這些資源中常常包含豐富的例句,,有助于你更全面地理解單詞,。例如,"enigmatic" 這個詞意為“神秘的”,,你可能會看到:

"The enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa has intrigued art lovers for centuries."

6. 與他人交流


7. 練習寫作和口語

在實際的寫作和口語練習中運用這些例句,可以幫助你更自然地使用新單詞,。你可以嘗試寫短文,,或者找一個語言伙伴進行對話,盡量使用新學的詞匯和例句,。例如,,寫一篇關于 "innovation" 的短文,使用如下例句:

"Innovation is the key to staying competitive in today’s market."
