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新GRE詞匯記憶3步法 背單詞不再頭疼

2025-03-04 17:28:59
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1新GRE詞匯記憶3步法 背單詞不再頭疼



1. 制定學(xué)習(xí)計劃

2. 使用聯(lián)想記憶法

3. 創(chuàng)建詞匯卡片

4. 語境學(xué)習(xí)
通過上下文來學(xué)習(xí)詞匯是非常有效的,。閱讀GRE相關(guān)的文章、書籍或聽力材料時,,注意生詞的使用場景,。比如,當(dāng)你遇到單詞“cogent”時,,注意它在句子中的用法:“The lawyer presented a cogent argument that convinced the jury.” 這有助于你理解單詞的具體含義和用法,。

5. 定期自我測試

6. 結(jié)合聽力和口語練習(xí)

7. 加入學(xué)習(xí)小組



Preparing for the GRE can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to mastering vocabulary. One of the most effective strategies is to focus on high-frequency words that often appear in the exam. In this article, we will explore some essential GRE high-frequency words, their meanings, and tips on how to incorporate them into your study routine. ??

Why Focus on High-Frequency Words?

High-frequency words are those that commonly appear in GRE verbal sections. By familiarizing yourself with these words, you can improve your reading comprehension and verbal reasoning skills significantly. Here are a few examples of such words:

  • Aberrant - deviating from the norm
  • Capricious - given to sudden changes of mood or behavior
  • Enervate - to weaken or drain energy
  • Equivocate - to use ambiguous language to conceal the truth
  • Obfuscate - to deliberately make something unclear

Effective Study Techniques

Here are some practical techniques to help you learn and retain these high-frequency words:

  • Create Flashcards: Write the word on one side and its definition and an example sentence on the other. Regularly review these cards to reinforce your memory. ??
  • Use Words in Context: Try to use new vocabulary in your everyday conversations or writing. This helps solidify your understanding and recall. ??
  • Engage with GRE Prep Materials: Practice reading passages from GRE prep books and identify high-frequency words within the text. This not only helps with recognition but also improves comprehension skills.

Practice Makes Perfect

To truly master these words, consistent practice is key. Consider the following recommendations:

  • Take Practice Tests: Utilize GRE practice tests to familiarize yourself with how these words are used in questions. Pay attention to the context in which they appear.
  • Join Study Groups: Collaborating with peers can provide motivation and different perspectives on how to remember and use vocabulary effectively. ??
  • Set Daily Goals: Aim to learn a specific number of words each day. For instance, you might target five new words daily, ensuring you review previously learned ones as well.

Sample Vocabulary Questions

Here are some sample questions to test your knowledge of high-frequency words:

  • Question: The politician's speech was full of attempts to __________, leaving the audience confused about his true intentions.
  • Answer: equivocate
  • Question: The sudden change in weather was described as __________, surprising everyone who had planned a picnic.
  • Answer: capricious

Additional Resources

To further enhance your vocabulary skills, consider using online resources like vocabulary apps or websites dedicated to GRE preparation. Some popular options include:

  • Magoosh GRE Vocabulary Builder
  • Quizlet for customizable flashcards
  • ETS Official GRE Prep for authentic practice materials


Mastering high-frequency GRE vocabulary is a gradual process that requires dedication and strategic study methods. By incorporating these words into your daily life and utilizing effective study techniques, you can boost your confidence and performance on the GRE. Remember, consistency is key, so keep practicing, and you'll see improvement over time! Good luck on your GRE journey! ??