一起來找茬之易混GRE詞匯盤點 最全只有更全,。在備考GRE的過程中,,詞匯的掌握至關(guān)重要。為了幫助考生們更好地記憶和區(qū)分一些易混淆的GRE詞匯,,下面我們將整理出一系列相關(guān)詞匯,,并提供有效的記憶方法。
1. Cubicle: a small room or compartment
Cuticle: the outer layer of skin
2. Celebrity: a famous person
Celerity: swiftness of movement
3. Rapine: the act of plundering
Repine: to express discontent
4. Decompose: to decay or break down
Discompose: to disturb the order of something
5. Renegade: one who deserts a party or cause
Renege: to go back on a promise or commitment
Relegate: to assign to a lower position
6. Susceptive: easily influenced
Surreptitious: kept secret, especially because it would not be approved
7. Provision: the action of providing something
Provisional: arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later
8. Extrapolate: to estimate or conclude based on known information
Interpolate: to insert something between fixed points
9. Canon: a general rule or law
Cannon: a large gun
10. Somber: dark or dull in color or tone
Sober: not affected by alcohol; serious
11. Blunder: a careless mistake
Plunder: to steal goods, typically using force
12. Veracious: speaking or representing the truth
Voracious: having a very eager approach to an activity
13. Ingenious: clever, original, and inventive
Ingenuous: innocent and unsuspecting
14. Thicket: a dense group of bushes or trees
Trinket: a small ornament or item of jewelry
15. Indolent: wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy
Insolent: showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect
16. Homely: unattractive in appearance
Homily: a religious discourse that is intended primarily for spiritual edification
17. Impertinent: lacking respect; rude
Impenitent: not feeling shame or regret about one's actions
18. Imprudent: not showing care for the consequences of an action
Impudent: not showing due respect for another person
19. Excrete: to separate and eliminate waste
Execrate: to feel or express great loathing for
以上是一些易混淆的GRE詞匯,,希望考生們能通過這些整理的內(nèi)容加深對詞匯的理解和記憶,,從而在GRE考試中取得優(yōu)異的成績。記住,,掌握詞匯是成功的關(guān)鍵,,一起來找茬之易混GRE詞匯盤點 最全只有更全!
Preparing for the GRE can be quite a challenge, especially when it comes to vocabulary. One of the most daunting tasks is dealing with words that are easily confused. In this article, I will share some of the commonly mixed-up words that GRE test-takers should pay attention to. By understanding their meanings and differences, you can enhance your vocabulary and boost your score! ??
1. Affect vs. Effect
Affect (verb) means to influence something, while effect (noun) refers to the result of a change. For example:
"The weather can significantly affect your mood."
"The effect of the new policy was noticeable immediately."
2. Complement vs. Compliment
Complement (noun/verb) means something that completes or goes well with something, while compliment (noun/verb) refers to a polite expression of praise. For instance:
"The wine is a perfect complement to the meal."
"She received a lovely compliment on her dress."
3. Discreet vs. Discrete
Discreet (adjective) means careful or prudent in speech or actions, while discrete (adjective) means separate or distinct. Example sentences:
"He was very discreet about his plans."
"The data was divided into discrete categories."
4. Elicit vs. Illicit
Elicit (verb) means to draw out a response or reaction, whereas illicit (adjective) means illegal or forbidden. For example:
"The teacher tried to elicit answers from the students."
"He was involved in illicit activities."
5. Principal vs. Principle
Principal (noun) refers to the head of a school or organization, or it can mean primary or most important (adjective), while principle (noun) refers to a fundamental truth or proposition. For example:
"The principal of the school gave a speech."
"She believes in the principle of honesty."
6. Stationary vs. Stationery
Stationary (adjective) means not moving or fixed in place, while stationery (noun) refers to writing materials, especially paper and envelopes. Example sentences:
"The car remained stationary at the traffic light."
"She bought some beautiful stationery for her letters."
7. Raise vs. Raze
Raise (verb) means to lift or elevate something, while raze (verb) means to completely destroy or demolish. For instance:
"They plan to raise funds for charity."
"The old building was razed to make way for new construction."
8. Cite vs. Site vs. Sight
Cite (verb) means to quote or refer to a source, site (noun) refers to a location, and sight (noun) refers to the ability to see. Example sentences:
"You need to cite your sources in the paper."
"The site of the ancient ruins is fascinating."
"The sight of the sunset was breathtaking."
By focusing on these commonly confused words, you can avoid mistakes in both the verbal section of the GRE and in your everyday writing. Remember to practice using them in sentences to solidify your understanding. Good luck with your GRE preparation! ??
1. 制定學(xué)習(xí)計劃
2. 使用詞匯卡片
Word: Aberration
Definition: A departure from what is normal or expected.
Sentence: The low test scores were an aberration from the student's usual performance.
3. 結(jié)合上下文學(xué)習(xí)
4. 利用在線資源
5. 定期測試自己
6. 學(xué)習(xí)同義詞和反義詞
Word: Enervate
Synonyms: weaken, exhaust
Antonyms: energize, invigorate
7. 參與討論和寫作
嘗試在討論中使用你學(xué)到的新單詞,,或者在寫作中主動運用它們。比如,,你可以寫一篇關(guān)于“social media's impact on society”的文章,,努力使用你所掌握的詞匯。通過實踐,,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的表達能力逐漸提升,。??
8. 保持積極心態(tài)
Preparing for the GRE can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to mastering vocabulary. One effective strategy is to focus on high-frequency words that often appear on the test. In this article, we will explore some of these words and provide tips on how to study them effectively. ??
Understanding High-Frequency Vocabulary
High-frequency words are those that frequently appear in GRE questions, essays, and reading comprehension passages. Familiarizing yourself with these words can significantly enhance your performance. Here are a few examples:
Effective Study Techniques
Now that we know some high-frequency words, how can we effectively incorporate them into our study routine? Here are some strategies:
Sample Questions
To give you an idea of how these words might appear on the GRE, here are some sample questions:
New Trends in GRE Vocabulary
As the GRE evolves, so do the types of vocabulary questions. Recent trends indicate a greater emphasis on words that convey nuanced meanings or those that are commonly used in academic writing. Therefore, it’s essential to stay updated on these changes. Consider following GRE preparation blogs or forums where test-takers share their experiences and insights. ??
Mastering GRE high-frequency vocabulary is a crucial step in your test preparation journey. By employing effective study techniques, engaging with sample questions, and staying informed about the latest trends, you can significantly improve your vocabulary skills. Remember, consistent practice and exposure to new words will ultimately lead to success on the GRE. Good luck! ??